This is a place for books and other awesome things.
This month, I finally have time to read books that aren't for school! As much as I have enjoyed the novels that I had to read for my courses this term, I am really looking forward to digging into some of the books that I own and haven't been able to read yet.
In no particular order, this April I will read:
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut: I haven't read any Vonnegut and I really need to get on it. So I'm on it now. I should have this book finished in the next couple of days and am really enjoying the sci-fi elements that Vonnegut has incorporated in this war narrative. Very interesting and unlike anything that I have read thus far.
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath: I really love Sylvia Plath's poetry and am so excited to finally read her novel. I don't know much about the plot and kind of like that I'm going into it blind. I anticipate that Plath's language alone will be enough to keep me reading, regardless of plot.
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe: I want to get into reading more fiction written by authors outside of the American, British, and Canadian demographic. Though Achebe lived in America for a good portion of his life, he was born in Nigeria and spent most of his life there. I'm really looking forward to seeing how his narratives
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse: This would be my first Hesse and I anticipate that it will be my challenging read of the month. Siddhartha has been on my bookshelf since early high school and I look forward to the challenge of reading this classic.
No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy: This is a month of firsts. I haven't read anything by Cormac McCarthy and picked a beautiful paperback edition of No Country for Old Men a few years ago. Time to get it read.
What are you reading this month?