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Benefits of Being a Nerd

This is a place for books and other awesome things.

Currently reading

Great Mythologies of the World
Professor Robert André LaFleur, Professor Kathryn McClymond, Professor Julius H. Bailey, Professor Grant L. Voth, The Great Courses, The Great Courses
Moby-Dick; or, The Whale
Herman Melville, Andrew Delbanco, Tom Quirk
Progress: 135/509 pages

November Wrap Up

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl - Jesse Andrews Pandora Hearts, Vol. 01  - Tomo Kimura, Jun Mochizuki By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept - Elizabeth  Smart Catching Fire  - Suzanne  Collins The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - John Boyne



November turned out to be a really great reading month. I finished reading a total of 6 books! Unfortunately, only one of these books was from my November TBR. 


The first book that I read and completed was Wilderness Tips by Margaret Atwood, which is a delightful short story collection. I have already posted my review.


After that I started reading Haruki Murakami's Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman, which I was unable to complete. I got stuck around the half-way point and lost motivation to read this book. This is unfortunate because I really love Haruki Murakami, but for some reason I find it hard to get through his short stories. This is not at all the case when it comes to his novels.


The next book I was able to complete was Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews. I read this in a single sitting and really enjoyed it. It was the perfect thing to get me back into the rhythm of reading. I have already posted my review for this. 


The next book that I read was actually a manga! I really love manga and anime, but I haven't had the chance to read in this medium for quite a while. Not since high school! I read the first volume of Pandora Hearts, which was written and illustrated by Jun Mochizuki. I really enjoyed this first volume, and I'm definitely considering picking up the next volume. I do not plan on doing a full review for this.


Then I read Elizabeth Smart's By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept. This book was recommended to me by my Canadian Literature professor last summer. It's a very poetic and musically written book that focuses on the author's affair with British poet George Barker. This was an interesting read with highly emotional prose. As such, I don't think that I was able to fully grasp the work on a first reading. 


After seeing the new and amazing Catching Fire movie, I couldn't help but rereading Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins! I really enjoyed reading this book this time around. I liked it when I first read it in high school, but I feel like watching the movie actually made this book better. I know. Weird. It was great having the chance to reread a book. I don't get to do that often. 


The last book that I completed this November was John Boyne's The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Such a lovely, haunting read. I did a full review, which I have already posted. If you haven't already read this, I would really encourage it. 


So, that's my reading wrap up for November. Even though I didn't stick to by TBR, I regard November as a reading success! What did you all read this month?

