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I had the pleasure of reading Veronica Roth's Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant over the course of October, and, overall, I really enjoyed the reading experience. This series has gotten a great deal of hype recently and, though I was not blown away by the series, I did really like each of the books.
The writing was clear and easy to follow and I think that the choice of first person narrative was effective, particularly in the first two books. The final book contains a dual-first person narrative, which I was not all together fond of; in the end, though, I think it was a good choice.
For the most part, I found the characters likeable, which made for a smooth reading experience. I found the questions raised by the dystopian world to be compelling. But, given the direction that the last book went, I felt like I wanted more insight into the world than was provided.
I'm considering writing a "discussion" article, which would go more in depth into the story, characters, and world of the Divergent Trilogy. In a spoiler free environment, like this review, I really don't have much to say about the books other than that they are worth reading if you like YA dystopian.